Thursday, May 9, 2019

Second Chemo

Well, I certainly enjoyed my last week of freedom! Out to dinner, Derby Day party, no masks, gym every day and I felt pretty good. One week before next chemo they do blood work...mine was fine, all at the high end.
Tracy arrived the day before and this time we went prepared for a really cold room. I took an Afghan my mother made (it’s not the prettiest one for sure, but it’s warm and a friend told me it would bring good luck.) and Tracy wore a sweater and another layer. 

All went well....we met another woman in there, who has so many more issues than I do, I was amazed at her upbeat attitude. She was chatty and had a nice lightweight wig on, so we found out about another wig store. Light weight will be great for Florida summers. My hair is thinning considerably. I’m still going out in public with it, but not for much longer.
Once home, I had one good day and most of the second. But towards evening, exhaustion set in. I feel pretty much the same way today, but I fully expected this on day 3 and 4. I have walked around the block each day, but am not ready for the gym yet.
Nausea is still not a problem and I am hungry, so have not lost taste yet. It’s lovely having someone cooking for me. Thank you, Tracy.
She’ll leave Monday, if all goes well, but will be back in another 2 weeks because I have two chemos this month. She got permission to bring the cat which is fine, because her cat sitter is sending such sad photos. 

He likes it here and as long as I wear gloves and a mask, I can deal with litter box. Tracy has to go to Europe on business for two weeks, so I’ll be the caretaker. 
I’m doing better than I expected, but must confess the amount of water they ask you to drink is amazing. Iced tea doesn’t count and those of you who know me, know that’s my choice of drink. But I’m getting the water down as it flushes out the bad stuff. 

All in all, I’m handling this well. Next update probably after third chemo.


La Table De Nana said...

What a trooper..and still lovely and smiling..nothing is affecting your attitude either Madame:)
If that's the afghan I am applauding your mom:)
Please always let us know when you update as I feel as if I am paying you a little visit and I always wish yu well.
All battles require so much courage.
We have to be our own're so fortunate to have all your wonderful beautiful children..and at this time especially Tracy♥

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Glad to see you smiling, Barbara, even in the cold :) That's a beautiful afghan! Is it partially needlepoint? I think it will bring good luck also ♥ I'm so glad Tracy is flexible enough to be able to spend time with you during your first few days of chemo and a cat for company doesn't hurt either. I have to tell you I just made the banana bread recipe you shared and couldn't wait to take the first bite, it smelled so good. When I tasted it I was shocked...I forgot to add the sugar! Good grief! It does have a great texture anyway - LOL. Thinking of you and hoping your energy returns quickly. Sounds like you have a lot of fun last week!