Monday, April 22, 2019


I guess it’s time for another update. Tracy went home yesterday and will be back for second chemo the beginning of May. She has worked like a trooper, cooking, caring, listening to my complaints. I repeat..this is much harder on family than patient. I took her to the airport, so no problems driving. I’m not looking forward to next chemo because everyone says this is the one where you lose your hair and have a metallic taste in your mouth.

I’ve done pretty well, comparatively. No nausea. Eating. Tasting. Drinking water. All the tags placed over my staples have fallen off and some of the coating they seem to have put on the two port incisions is also peeling off. 

On day three and four I was tired, but not go to bed tired. I made one mistake: I went to the gym one day when I knew I was too tired to go. I did half the regular time on treadmill and recumbent bike, but then left. It left me weak and messed up the next day. I know better now, but even when I don’t feel up to the gym, I try to walk every day. Not fun wearing a mask at the gym, but I have to protect myself. I don’t wear one walking. And no going out to dinner. Boo hoo on that one! I REALLY miss that. 
I’d say there is steady improvement each day. A little backache one day, or feet ache one night, but Advil takes care of that. I think you slowly improve and when you’re finally feeling fairly normal, it’s time to get hit again.

Tomorrow I’ll try some ordinary things: car wash, grocery store and see how I do. Mask in grocery...much hand washing going on here. My life has changed drastically. Takes a while for it to sink in, but it finally has. I am grateful that I’ve taken this as well as I have, no depression, no tears, just acceptance. Pray that continues.

Am I boring you?

1 comment:

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Glad to read your update, Barbara, and no, you are not boring me. I don't remember when the metallic taste began but that, too, goes away after a few days just like your energy level gets better. Bummer about going to restaurants. What about outdoor dining? I think you're the kind of person who has a positive attitude about many things so I feel confident that will continue. Many positive thoughts for Round 2, Barbara ♥